Bandsaw Blades Direct

Bandsaw Blades Direct

There is something comforting knowing you can buy your bandsaw blades direct and they have been custom made to your directions. You know that it is going to fit your machine or space perfectly. You can also have confidence that you won’t need to go back and forth to the store when something doesn’t fit right.

Made to Measure Bandsaw Blades Direct

Having bandsaw blades direct custom made direct from the wholesalers have many wonderful benefits. Our customers come to fully appreciate this service once they arrive on their doorstep, ready to use. Buying direct from us means

  • Accessing manufacturing prices – quite the money saver.
  • You get to communicate directly to the supplier.
  • Blades can be easily replaced without delay, directly from the manufacturer within a few days.
  • If the bandsaw blade is wrong, for whatever reason, it can be sent straight back to us, and once we receive a tracking number, we will ship out replacement blade to the correct specifications.
  • We do the research for our customers and ensure the bandsaw blade is right and works and fits perfectly before sending it to you.
  • Saving time, convenience and money. We can offer a better deal and any quantity of bandsaw blades when brought directly from us.

Unsure About Purchasing Bandsaw Blades Direct Online?

We do everything we can to ensure our customers feel confident when purchasing bandsaw blades direct from us online. It’s not uncommon for people to fear online purchasing, but our team ensure they keep communication open with every person that enquires or purchases from us. We want to make sure our customers get precisely what they’re looking for every time.

We ask questions to find out:

  • What type of machine they have
  • What outcome they are trying to achieve
  • If they have used bandsaw blades before

It’s important to us that our customers know that we are not only here to sell blades. We want you to become one of our long term customers who come back again and again, are happy and us too.

What Does Customer Welded Mean?

When you purchase a bandsaw blade direct from we custom weld them for each customer. This simply means we make the items specifically for their machine – the right length, width and teeth size. Generally, bandsaw blade machines have their own type of blade and are not standard, which is why our unique offerings are so popular.

Whether it’s a high-quality bandsaw blade you are looking for or a bi-metal blade buying your bandsaw blades direct will ensure you get your exact specifications at a great price.